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UnityPoint Health — Trinity in Quad-Cities Offers Free Breast Cancer Screening

Women in the Quad-Cities can now take advantage of no-cost breast cancer screening through UnityPoint Health – Trinity. Appointments are being accepted by calling 309-779-5870. Funding for the breast cancer screening program is possible thanks to the generosity of Riverboat Development Authority and Trinity Health Foundation.

“We are committed to our mission of improving the health of the people and communities we serve. We recognize the ongoing need and importance of ensuring our community has access to breast cancer screening and diagnostic services and are providing financial assistance

UnityPoint Health -- Trinity in Quad-Cities Offers Free Breast Cancer Screening

to those who qualify,” says Alison Beardsley, director of oncology.

Through the Trinity Health Foundation’s Breast Patient Assistance Fund, people can access a breast cancer screening and diagnostic services at no cost. To qualify, a patient must be either uninsured or underinsured. Patients can request a screening mammogram directly by calling 309-779-5870 to schedule. No doctor’s order needed.

Beardsley says early detection of breast cancer leads to better outcomes and higher survival rates. Yet, far too many people are putting off this important preventive measure.

“There’s an alarming trend nationally that women are postponing or skipping their mammogram. Every missed appointment is a missed opportunity to save a life. Each one of those appointments represents a loved one – a mother, daughter, partner, friend who is at risk and whose chances for survival increase with early detection and treatment,” says Beardsley.

Providers fear the progress in cancer detection and treatment over the last decades will regress if this trend continues. Even with new technology, breast cancer remains the most common cancer and second-leading cause of cancer death for women.

“Regular screening mammography simply saves lives,” said Melinda Hass, MD, medical director of Trinity’s Breast Health Center. “Waiting or putting off entirely a recommended screening can have dire consequences. Please, if you canceled or delayed your appointment, call us now to get in. Or, if you need follow up from a previous mammogram, today, not tomorrow, is the best time to address it.”

Patient financial assistance for breast imaging covers both the technical and professional components of:

  • Mammogram – screening or diagnostic.
  • Ultrasound – manual or automated.
  • Core Biopsy, if recommended.

Uninsured or underinsured patients are eligible.

“Cancer screening plays a critical role in the health of our community members. Pandemic-related disruptions such as job loss or fear in seeking care may increase existing social or economic obstacles to screening and care,” said Mary Macumber-Schmidt, president of Trinity Health Foundation. “We’re grateful to donors who are removing any financial burden for those who need potentially lifesaving screenings.”

The American College of Radiology recommends annual mammography screening starting at age 40 for women of average risk of developing breast cancer. Higher-risk women should start mammographic screening earlier. Women should complete monthly self-breast exams to note changes in the look or feel of the breast. Report changes to your healthcare provider and call to schedule an examination.

Visit unitypoint.org for more information. Call (309) 779-5870 to schedule a screening mammogram today.

UnityPoint Health -- Trinity in Quad-Cities Offers Free Breast Cancer Screening

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Jonathan Turner has been covering the Quad-Cities arts scene for 25 years, first as a reporter with the Dispatch and Rock Island Argus, and then as a reporter with the Quad City Times. Jonathan is also an accomplished actor and musician who has been seen frequently on local theater stages, including the Bucktown Revue and Black Box Theatre.
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