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New Organization Proposed to help Revitalize Downtown Rock Island

Downtown Rock Island property owners seeking to stabilize their investment and revitalize downtown submitted a proposal to the Rock Island City Council on Monday, formally requesting it to consider establishing a Special Service Area (SSA) in partnership with a new Quad Cities Chamber place management organization.

The action would enable property owners to fund and govern enhanced services, activities and improvements in partnership with the City. Proposed enhanced services downtown include beautification and maintenance; boots-on-the-ground hospitality and troubleshooting; façade and interior improvement grants; business attraction and retention; marketing and advertising; among others.

“We are willing to put in more of our own money to invest in the downtown. It will help our businesses and properties thrive, and our community as a whole,” said Nicole Watson-Lam, Vice Chair, Downtown Rock Island Steering Committee, and owner, Ms. BriMani’s Hair & Beauty Supply and The Urban Reserve.

New Organization Proposed to help Revitalize Downtown Rock Island

Downtown Rock Island Steering Committee member Jon Keim opened Huckleberry’s 30 years ago. Keim, who later purchased the building and lives above the restaurant, said when business and property owners and the city share a vision and work together, the downtown is successful.

“There will be stewardship, a day-to-day vested interest in the greater downtown. There will be a focus on the streets, it’ll be extra eyes and boots-on-the-ground, collaboration and marketing. With all of that, the greater downtown will have more reach and more value, and I see that lifting everyone,” Keim said. “It will cost us a little more day-to-day, but it is pennies on the dollar when you consider the value to your business or your property. The future, that is what we are all excited about, and not just our future, but that of our neighbors.”


If the City Council formally accepts the Downtown Rock Island Steering Committee’s request during its regular meetings in August, it will initiate a four-month process that could culminate with a Council decision late this year.

As of Monday night, the proposed SSA received endorsements by the owners of 120 parcels of land, representing about one-third of the total value of the proposed downtown area – roughly between 1st and 7th Avenues and 13th and 28th Streets.

In addition, four neighboring organizations outside the SSA boundaries – Augustana College, Bally’s Quad Cities, MetroLINK and Modern Woodmen of America – have voluntarily committed to financially support the proposed place management organization if an SSA is established.

Arron Sutherland, Chair, Downtown Rock Island Steering Committee and President/CEO, Illinois Casualty Company, said the greater downtown has so much potential. “There are challenges, and we can overcome those, but it requires a directed effort, and it is going to take work to get there. I want the greater downtown to be vibrant, family friendly, and most of all, unique,” he said.

New Organization Proposed to help Revitalize Downtown Rock Island

Rock Island will use $225,000 in downtown TIF funds through 2022.

Sutherland is not alone. As he’s done outreach this past year to discuss the proposed SSA and place management work with property and business owners, he’s heard a common theme emerge. “There is excitement and an entrepreneurial spirit kicking in. People are saying, ‘Yes, I want to get on board with this initiative. I want to put some skin in the game. Let’s do this.’ I’ve really seen that Rock Island spirit coming out,” he said.

“If the SSA is approved by the City Council later this year, all property owners within the boundary will have a say in the programs created, projects funded and how they are carried out. They can share their creative ideas and concerns and work together to find solutions and build momentum,” Sutherland said. I became sold on the SSA when I learned I would have a voice in the decisions. We can give that voice to the downtown.”

Through the establishment of an SSA, enhanced services are paid for by a levy on all taxable parcels within the district’s contiguous boundaries. Those funds are restricted to improving the business and cultural environment of the area, and property owners on a governing board of directors would help guide specific use of the funds. The Steering Committee’s five-year proposal would establish a public-private partnership with the City of Rock Island.


In early 2021, the City of Rock Island contracted with the Quad Cities Chamber to provide limited downtown place management services and explore the creation of a place management organization and sustainable funding model. Jack Cullen, Director, Downtown Rock Island, was hired to lead the effort with the guidance of the Steering Committee made up of business and property owners, residents, City officials and other community stakeholders.

“The Chamber completed this exploratory phase of work at the request of the City and is advocating for the business and property owners who believe an SSA is the best vehicle to spark revitalization and bring new life and vibrancy into the greater downtown,” Cullen said.

“We’re seeing other communities in the region and across the country use this tool to their advantage. The decision is now in the hands of the City Council.”

New Organization Proposed to help Revitalize Downtown Rock Island

Jack Cullen is the new downtown Rock Island director for the Quad Cities Chamber of Commerce.

“The Chamber’s place management services in the past year have already resulted in increased activity, improvements and grant and City funding for additional infrastructure developments. The establishment of an SSA and dedicated place management organization will take things to the next level,” said Brandy VandeWalle, Owner of Skeleton Key Art & Antiques.

“There will be a person focused on business attraction, available to answer questions people may have, to organize special events and connect the dots between all the different businesses, and there are a lot of wonderful businesses down here now,” said VandeWalle, a 13-year Downtown property owner. “We’ve been ever-hopeful that something would pop up and energize the downtown. For the amount of money it will cost us, the SSA is a no-brainer.”

At least seven other downtowns and commercial corridors in the Quad Cities, plus hundreds throughout Illinois and about 2,500 in the U.S., have what is commonly called a business improvement district (BID). The Quad Cities Chamber currently manages two other districts and affiliated place management organizations, the Downtown Davenport Partnership and Downtown Bettendorf Organization. If approved, Downtown Rock Island would join this mix.

“Revitalizing our greater downtown area is a key component to economic growth opportunities for the city,” said Rock Island Mayor Mike Thoms. “Bringing people, new events, activities and vibrancy to downtown Rock Island also brings increased revenue, improved quality of life and greater value for existing assets. As a municipality, we are always looking for opportunities to leverage our resources and partnerships, and the proposed SSA would be a big step forward in achieving our overall vision for the city.”

New Organization Proposed to help Revitalize Downtown Rock Island

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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