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What’s The Good News For January, Quad-Cities?

The weather outside is frightful, but the good news is so delightful!

We’re back again with What’s The Good News, our team-up every month with KWQC-TV6’s “Paula Sands Live” to highlight some of the great news going on in and around the Quad-Cities!

So, what’s the good news for January, Quad-Cities? Glad you asked!

Rock Island Math And Science Helps QC Paws

Rock Island Center for Math & Science raised $1,000 for QC Paws through its Leader in Me service project “Cause for 4 Paws”! Students and staff raised funds through various fundraisers the school held and presented a check to the local animal shelter this week. The school was also able to donate two grocery carts filled with supplies to the animal shelter. Way to go RICMS! #ThisHouseRocks

What's The Good News For January, Quad-Cities?

Quad City Animal Welfare Center Celebrates Betty White’s Birthday

Monday January 17th was Betty White’s 100th Birthday and people are celebrating, #BettyWhite Challenge, by making a donation to their local humane society. For more information on the Quad City Animal Welfare Center #BettyWhite Challenge celebration visit our website: https://qcawc.org/how-to-help/the-betty-white-challenge

What's The Good News For January, Quad-Cities?

Edison Junior High Names Photography Contest Winners

Congratulations to the winners of Edison Jr. High’s Street Photography Contest! More than 100 students participated and all the submissions were incredible!

“Capturing Street Photography”

Grand Prize Winner- Madelyn Schrempf

Runner Up- Lucas McCall

Honorable Mention- Mariah Howard & Aubrey Doss

“Fan Favorite”

1st place- Nicolar Aquilar

2nd place- Abigail Dillard

Honorable Mention- John Htoo & Naw Paw

What's The Good News For January, Quad-Cities?

Quad City Arts Introduces New Grant Program

Quad City Arts is pleased to announce Arts Dollars grants for the 2022 cycle. Applications are welcome from individual artists, K-12 schools, and non-profit organizations partnering with artists. All art forms are eligible. Since 1990, Quad City Arts has supported the local art community by awarding more than $1,000,000 in grants to local artists, non-profit organizations, and schools.

This year, Quad City Arts has received additional funding from a funder who wishes to remain anonymous to fund Visual Artist Grants. In total, Quad City Arts will grant $140,000 to local artists and organizations during this grant cycle. The application process is competitive, and applicants are encouraged to apply before the deadline. Quad City Arts staff are available to assist with the application process.

NEW THIS YEAR – Visual Artist Grants supports visual artists who demonstrate exceptional creativity in the arts, innovation, and contribute to the vitality of the Quad City Region. Selected artists will be offered professional development designed specifically for artists and be granted $5,000 where up to 20% can be allocated to artist salary.

Project Grants support arts projects or programming that primarily emphasize community engagement. Individual artists may apply for up to $2,500. Non-profit organizations and schools may apply for up to $5,000.

What's The Good News For January, Quad-Cities?

Aubrey Barnes performed as part of the  unveiling of the new mural coordinated by the Quad Cities Chamber and Quad City Arts.

Education Grants support projects or programming that primarily provide opportunities in arts education for K-12 students. Individual artists may apply for up to $2,500. Non-profit organizations and schools may apply for up to $5,000.

Capacity-Building Grants fund activities that increase an organization’s overall capacity, organizational strength, and long-term community impact. Non-profit organizations may apply for up to $5,000.

Deadline for applications: January 31, 2022

Recipients will be notified no later than March 15, 2022.

Child Abuse Council Enhancing Treatment Services For Rural Families

The Child Abuse Council is bringing new mental health and medical services to children and families in Muscatine and the surrounding southeast Iowa counties through its Mississippi Valley Child Protection Center. The program is part of a nation-wide network of child advocacy centers that provide services to mitigate the immediate and long-term negative impacts of child abuse and neglect on children, families, and their communities.

The Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust recently awarded a three-year, $175,000 grant to enhance the program’s coordinated approach and improve access to crucial resources for underserved rural communities.

“We are the only rural child advocacy center in Iowa, and we know how important it is to ensure that these services remain available within those communities,” said Mark Mathews, Executive Director of the Child Abuse Council. “Our new mental health and medical services will allow us to do even more than we’ve been able to in the past to support safe and healthy childhoods.”

Program Manager Kadie McCory sees the grant as an opportunity to reimagine the program by forging new partnerships and offering a fuller range of services. “The purpose of our program is to bring the community together for a holistic response to child abuse and neglect, from mental health and medical services to child welfare, law enforcement, and community resources. Now, we can ask what’s missing or not being provided in the community to help strengthen this unified, comprehensive approach.”

What's The Good News For January, Quad-Cities?

The program’s new trauma-informed, research-based therapy services will help reduce children’s abuse-related symptoms, build their coping skills, and support child and caregiver attachment. Expanded medical services will better identify and treat medical conditions associated with physical abuse, drug endangerment, neglect, and foster placement. The new offerings will complement existing program features such as forensic interviews, medical examinations, family advocacy, and community education and training.

According to McCory, protecting access to wraparound services like these in rural communities is becoming an increasingly difficult—but no less important—task. Each year, the Child Abuse Council’s child advocacy center operates near or at capacity, serving 200 children primarily from Muscatine, Des Moines, Henry, Louisa, Cedar, and Lee counties. The National Children’s Alliance, the accrediting body for child advocacy centers, has recognized lack of access to specialized services for victims of child abuse as a healthcare equity issue and has made increasing access its top goal.

Looking ahead, McCory said the Child Abuse Council will continue to seek out partners like the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust, including law enforcement agencies and healthcare providers, who have a stake in the work of the child advocacy center. “The changes we’re making prove how strong a program we have and that we’re able to grow,” she said. “We’re taking this opportunity to create something even better.”

Western Illinois University School of Ag Honored as a Top Nationwide Program

The Western Illinois University School of Agriculture was recognized as a top nationwide program during the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) convention Nov. 30-Dec. 4 in New Orleans, LA.

School of Agriculture Director Andy Baker was presented with the 2021 NAAE Outstanding Postsecondary Agriculture Program award during the convention.

The award, sponsored by Bayer, is presented to postsecondary programs which “emphasize lasting teaching methods, enhance student motivation and exemplify great experiential learning.”

he WIU agriculture program was honored because of strong results in training and placing new agriculture teachers. Over the last 21 years, the program has an 87 percent placement rate, and a 66 percent retention rate.


“The success can be found at the heart of WIU, Dr. Baker,” according to an NAAE news release. “Dr. Baker has led the program since 1999, thus providing continuity of focus for all matters. Baker has the primary responsibility for coordinating and delivering the ag education curriculum, supervising faculty and support staff, and coordinating all activities associated with the University farm.”

The NAAE pointed to several WIU courses that have helped the University become a leader in agricultural education, including the Summer Experience in Ag Education, where students are interviewed for student teacher placements. They also praised the WIU program for establishing partnerships throughout the state, including working with St. Paul School in Macomb to teach younger children about the agriculture industry, and with the Illinois Farm Bureau to sponsor the Collegiate FFA Greenhand Motivational Conference.

“This award recognition is a direct reflection of the hard work that the students, school staff, administration, alumni and community have put in to grow the future of agriculture in Cambridge,” said Taber. “We are so blessed as a small school to have stakeholders who see the value in agricultural education.”

For more information about the WIU School of Agriculture, visit wiu.edu/agriculture.

Snowstar Showing Appreciation

Snowstar is proud to honor and support all the members in the community who work tirelessly to protect us, educate us and keep us healthy.

As a small thank-you for their service and dedication, we’re hosting Appreciation Days every Sunday throughout January. All law enforcement, firefighter/EMS teams, medical professionals and teachers with a valid I.D. will receive 20% off ski or tube tickets. The discount extends to their families, and any current military and veterans will also receive a matched discount.

  • January 23 – Medical Professional Appreciation Day
  • January 30 – Teacher Appreciation Day

To receive applicable discounts, visitors must purchase tickets on-site at the Snowstar ticket counter.

For all the latest information on Snowstar’s hours and offerings, follow @SnowstarPark on Facebook.


Bettendorf Schools Get Major Grants For $46,500

Thank you to the Scott County Regional Authority (SCRA) for awarding Bettendorf Schools $46,500 for two grants.

Herbert Hoover Inclusive Learning Playground – $42,500: The funds will be used to supplement the renovation of the Herbert Hoover Elementary playground with inclusive play space and additional accessible opportunities. Funds will help cover the installation of a new outdoor learning structure.

Safe Bus Stops for Bettendorf Students – $4,000: The grant will fund stop-arm cameras for Bettendorf school buses. The cameras will be mounted on the bus below the stop arm and are activated when the stop arm is activated. These cameras will provide better documentation/evidence of drivers who run stop arms so they can be issued tickets.


What's The Good News For January, Quad-Cities?

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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