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Abernathy’s Celebrates 6th Anniversary After Overcoming Davenport Flooding

The Flood of 2019 may have attempted to take this unconventional and eclectic business down. Thankfully, a little Mississippi River madness is no match for Downtown Davenport’s ultimate spot for vintage clothing, handmade jewelry, antiques and oddities.Abernathy’s Celebrates 6th Anniversary After Overcoming Davenport Flooding

Abernathy’s (which has now relocated to 432 W. 3rd Street Davenport) will be celebrating their 6th Anniversary this Saturday Nov 9 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Abernathy’s 666 Year Anniversary Celebration will be an all-day party at the shop with snacks, drinks, tons of deals on Abernathy’s brand merch and much more!

To celebrate 6 years of Abernathy’s, 6 local artists will be joining forces to create 6 heavy metal inspired designs. These designs will be available as a limited 6-piece sticker pack! Get yours before they’re gone!

Artists include:

Joe Perez (Silver Key)

Dan Bono (Oddfellow Arms)

Doozer McGee (Silver Key)

Josh Kilby (Tooth & Nail)

Danny O’Leary (Mrs. O’Leary’s Art & Design)

Metro Catpiss (Road Soda)

plus an extra design by Pinup Paula!


Founded by Becca Nicke and Nicole Perez, Abernathy’s began their beautiful journey back in 2013. Becca and Nicole started their handmade and vintage journey fresh out of high school, meeting while working together at a small local boutique. Their passion for one-of-a-kind items flourished via online sales and vending events throughout the Midwest until they opened their boutique in Davenport at the ages of just 25. Today, Abernathy’s has grown from just vintage and handmade, expanding into oddities, pinup apparel, and featuring works of other local artists.

After suffering water damage last May, the future of Abernathy’s was questionable. But Davenport flood waters were only a pit stop for Abernathy’s grit and determination! They relocated to 432 W. 3rd Street in Downtown Davenport, after the flood. The new location sits on the corner of 3rd Street and Scott Street across from 392 Coffee. You can stop by and visit them 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday – Saturday.

For more information on available items and current deals, visit their website at https://shopabernathys.com/ or follow them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/shopabernathys/.

Come out and help celebrate 6 amazing years at Abernathy’s this Saturday. And maybe even grab a few awesome additions to your wardrobe!

Abernathy’s Celebrates 6th Anniversary After Overcoming Davenport Flooding

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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