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My Journey to Being a Work-at-Home Mom

Piggy-BankMy journey began in 2009. I wanted to work from home and prepare for the future. My husband and I had no kids at the time but we knew we wanted to start a family. So I thought about it all the time, I prayed on it, talked with friends about it. I didn’t know how the heck it was going to happen, until one day it came to me. I would start working from home as a freelance graphic designer. I had more than a decade of design experience and thought this was a perfect fit. Then one week later we found out we were pregnant. (Talk about jumping in with both feet!!)

Being a freelance graphic designer was awesome during pregnancy. I was working an amazing number of hours, generating a great client base and a generous income. I produced work for many Fortune 500 Companies, as well as local businesses. Everything was going great! You can read more about my graphics journey on my LinkedIn profile.

Our baby boy was born in August of 2009 and he was happy, healthy and everything I could have ever imagined in a new baby. Like most mommies, I was instantly in love. An overwhelming, ginormous, bigger than life love enveloped me.  So cool! Cooler than I could ever imagine.

Also like most new mommies, I had no idea the amount of energy a brand new baby requires. My “work from home” job, took about 60 hours each week, and I was required to be on some corporate calls and in corporate meetings where baby was not allowed. I hired a nanny to help me, but it was a very draining situation – both on our budget and my emotions.

We got into our groove and then along came baby #2. Total and complete surprise!

I was determined not to miss a thing with this baby. I knew I needed a better way of working from home, and the answer was literally right in front of my nose. After our second baby boy was born in 2012, I began my career in sharing essential oils for greater health and wellness, and educating on natural simple alternatives we can be doing every day for greater overall wellness.

I know this seems out of left field right? Well here’s the deal and how that happened.

oilsI had been introduced to essential oils during the second pregnancy to help with edema, tummy upset and so much more. They worked, like a trusted friend, each and every time. The real game-changer for me was when these essential oils supported my body in not feeling the bogged down effects of Fibromyalgia. If you are not familiar with Fibromyalgia, it is categorized as an auto-immune disorder and comes with neural sensitivity, widespread pain, fatigue, brain fog and so much more.

So you can imagine this was HUGE for me to find this solution and it  was a natural transition for me to begin sharing them with everyone I know and educating everyone on their amazing medicinal benefits. I also have always had a love for health and am an addict at training and education, with Health being one of my favorite subjects. The human body is so fascinating!!

That was nearly three years ago. During this incredible journey I have supported many people in changing their lives by creating a more natural lifestyle, supporting their bodies to overcome physical and emotional challenges, and even creating a financial life of abundance in some cases.

I love sharing my little tips for health and wellness, and I adore coaching and mentoring!

That’s my story. Whats yours? I’d love to hear about your essential oil journey. Please comment below.

My Journey to Being a Work-at-Home Mom

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Jamie Brodersen Work-at-Home Mom Columnist

Jamie Brodersen is a successful work at home mom. She educates on proven success principles and systems to help moms work from home and create a life of abundance. To date she has helped empower more than 1,000 families in natural healing and more than 150 mamas in working from home in a career they are passionate about daily.

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