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German American Heritage Center Holding Program On Women In War

A Free Virtual Program From Illinois Roads Scholars will be held Sunday, October 18th at 2pm at the German American Heritage Center in Davenport.
German American Heritage Center Holding Program On Women In WarThe program is titled THE JOURNEY TO MOLLIE’S WAR: WACS AND WWII by Cyndee Schaffer. Members of the Women’s Army Corps (WACs) were the first women other than nurses to serve overseas in World War II. Cyndee Schaffer’s mother, Mollie Weinstein Schaffer, was one of them. Drawing upon excerpts from Mollie’s letters written home during the war, this presentation provides a romantic, yet frightful, glimpse into the life of a woman in uniform during this crucial time in history.
This presentation details Mollie’s experiences from basic training in Florida in October 1943 to the dramatic moment when the Statue of Liberty came into view upon her return in November 1945. It traces the footsteps of the women who served in Europe, following Mollie and her fellow WACs who were stationed in London, England before D-Day and during the post D-Day German buzz bomb attacks. The WACs were transferred to Normandy, and then to Paris after its liberation by the Allies. After VE Day (Victory in Europe), they served in Versailles. Finally, they traveled to Frankfurt, Germany, as part of the Army of Occupation and witnessed firsthand the devastation of that country before returning to the United States.
This presentation will invite contemplation of the vital and varied roles that women have fulfilled in the American military.
Register for this virtual event HERE. Free event, donations appreciated!
German American Heritage Center Holding Program On Women In War

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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