1. EPISODE 89: PLANET PATROL William Pepper 31:34

Last week on the podcast, in KEYSTONE KAPERS, our beat consisted of the back alleys and mean streets of Keystone where Harry Hooligan made his mischief. This week, in Spectravision’s 1983 adventure PLANET PATROL, our beat is, well, the whole darn planet. It’s like when, after the sitcom “Gilligan’s Island” ended, the castaways ended up in the cartoon “Gilligan’s Planet”. Yeah. Exactly like that. 

Thanks to Kevin McLeod at Incompetech.com for creative commons use of his songs “Reformat”, “Take a Chance”, and “Pinball Spring”.

Atari Bytes show notes and so much, much more here.

It’s a Podcast, Charlie Brown – Hey! That’s my other show!

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Here’s the Mental Floss article about the popularity of retro gaming we talked about in the show.

William Pepper is a local playwright (New Ground Theatre, Augustana Playwrights Festival), very occasional actor (Playcrafters), blogger (http://www.williamallenpepper.wordpress.com/), author (In the St. Nick of Time) and now, he's a podcaster too.