1. EPISODE 73: RIVER RAID II William Pepper 38:02

Episode 73 is a heapin’ second helping of River Raid-esque goodness. RIVER RAID II from 1988 takes what we loved about the original Activision legend and overlays an early era flight simulator. Does the game soar or crash and burn?

Hmmm. 1980s. Fighter jets screaming overhead, performing death defying maneuvers as the sexy pilots complete their mission while trading witty banter. Does any of that sound familiar? Let’s discuss…

Here’s the article about the true “Age of Aquarius” we talked about in the show.

Thanks to Kevin McLeod at Incompetech.com for creative commons use of his songs “Reformat”, “Pinball Spring” and “Take a Chance”.

Atari Bytes show notes and much, much more!

It’s a Podcast, Charlie Brown – Hey, that’s my other show!

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William Pepper is a local playwright (New Ground Theatre, Augustana Playwrights Festival), very occasional actor (Playcrafters), blogger (http://www.williamallenpepper.wordpress.com/), author (In the St. Nick of Time) and now, he's a podcaster too.