1. EPISODE 55: SNEAK 'N PEEK William Pepper 46:26

Red rover, red rover…

Bubblegum, bubblegum, in a dish…

Olly olly oxen free…

So, at some point in the early 1980s, someone had the idea to turn the perennial children’s backyard pastime, good ol’ hide and seek, into a two-dimensional, piexelated video game. SNEAK ‘N PEEK, 1982, from U.S. Games Corporation, was the result. How’d that work out? About as well as you’d expect.

But we played it anyway.

Also, the junior podcaster, Henry, is along for the ride to help us through this nonsense as only he can.

My thanks to Kevin McLeod at Incompetech.com for creative commons use of his songs “Take a Chance”, “Reformat” and “Pinball Spring”.

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William Pepper is a local playwright (New Ground Theatre, Augustana Playwrights Festival), very occasional actor (Playcrafters), blogger (http://www.williamallenpepper.wordpress.com/), author (In the St. Nick of Time) and now, he's a podcaster too.