1. EPISODE 29: JUNGLE HUNT William Pepper 26:56

This week, Sir Dudley Dashly swings from vine to vine across the jungle, colliding violently with Pitfall Harry and sending both of them to the hospital with concussions.

If only! That’s just my dream premise for Pitfall III.

Instead, we’re taking a look at the 1983 game from Atari, JUNGLE HUNT. Vicious vines. Cruel crocs. Belligerent boulders. Savage, uh, savages. Will Sir Dudley Dashly ever see Lady Penelope again? Well, we don’t want to spoil anything, but we’d like to point out they never made Jungle Hunt II.

Thanks to Kevin McLeod at Incompetech.com for creative commons use of his songs “Take a Chance”, “Reformat” and “Pinball Spring”.

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William Pepper is a local playwright (New Ground Theatre, Augustana Playwrights Festival), very occasional actor (Playcrafters), blogger (http://www.williamallenpepper.wordpress.com/), author (In the St. Nick of Time) and now, he's a podcaster too.