1. EPISODE 14: AMIDAR William Pepper 27:36

On EPISODE 14 of ATARI BYTES, we down some of the leftover ‘shrooms from the Centipede episode, indulge in some peyote and wash it all down with a bottle of Jack and…Oh, wait. No actually, we just played AMIDAR. But that does even weirder things to your brain.

Gorillas that want to paint while being chased by WILD warriors that really just look like boogers. Gorillas that turn INTO PAINT ROLLERS and are pursued by pigs. That’s the game.

No, we’re not kidding. We couldn’t make this up. But there’s some OTHER stuff we could…listen to find out what sort of story we can possibly cobble together from this madness.

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William Pepper is a local playwright (New Ground Theatre, Augustana Playwrights Festival), very occasional actor (Playcrafters), blogger (http://www.williamallenpepper.wordpress.com/), author (In the St. Nick of Time) and now, he's a podcaster too.