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  1. Season 2 | Episode 1 - Shattered Wrightwood Studios 28:28

Bianca Diaz is still reeling from the explosive realization of what she can do. Bianca seeks professional help navigating her ever-changing reality. Thank you for listening to Meteor City! Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram @meteorcitypod

In this episode you heard:

Daisy Guevara as Bianca Diaz

Ernesto Valentin as Malcolm Diaz

Jarred Worley as Wes Cambell

Cole Burkhardt as Trina

Nadia Marshall as Dr.Patel 

Alex Hammett as R.J.

Leslie Gideon as Bethany Cain Cambell

And Sam Kim as Antoine Kim 

This episode’s featured artist is Ahzia(Ah-Z-eye-A) and you just heard Someone, Somewhere, link to the full song in the show notes.

To see the full cast list and transcripts, please visit www.wrightwoodstudios.com 

Season 2 | Episode 1 - Shattered
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