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  1. Episode 98 – IT Pt. 1 – "Perpetual Lens of Sadness” Derry Public Radio - A Stephen King Podcast 1:21:41

This week Derry Public Radio continues their Patreon Selection Series with Rachel Janzen’s pick of “IT”. Tune in as we discuss the infamous S.S. Georgie beginning, King writing side characters at its finest, the amazing audiobook performance by Steven Weber, CM’s visceral reaction to Beverly’s story, how the Loser’s lives turned out as adults, our first glimpse into Derry’s history, the touching first love story, the structure of a haiku, and out Loser’s paths as children begin to cross. Our nostalgia is peaked on Episode 98, “Perpetual Lens of Sadness”.

Episode 98 – IT Pt. 1 – "Perpetual Lens of Sadness”
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